The Power of Plan B

Plan BMany of my clients worry about not having enough money, especially during retirement. Our first strategy is to recognize the roots of their Fear-based scarcity mentality and exchange it for a Love-based abundance mindset. From that healthier, happier perspective, we develop an “Anabolic Plan A” for their future, one that is based in fueling their Core Energy with:

  • Love: I nurture and encourage myself in healthy ways.
  • Respect: I honor my choices. I do the best I can with the Love and Light I have at the time.
  • Curiosity: Instead of judging, I wonder why.
  • Compassion: I acknowledge and value my feelings.
  • Gratitude: I appreciate my life. Everything’s an opportunity.

Empowered by a more-constructive octane, they more frequently find themselves living in a state of generous, effortless, gracious Flow filled with:

  • Faith: I am confident that Love is the greatest power in the Universe;
  • Hope: Universal Love is always unfolding the Highest Good for all, in all, through all;
  • Prosperity: My Universal Source is excellent, limitless and reliable;
  • Peace: I relax into all that was, is and will be; and
  • Joy: Whatever my circumstances, I know Who I Am and Whose I Am.

Despite the best intentions, anyone can have a day when Hope is hard to find. For just such times, I recommend having an “Attractive and Affordable Plan B.” The mindset is not one of running away from Scarcity but embracing as-yet unexplored options for greater Prosperity. There are many incredibly desirable and cost-effective places to live. Magazines such as International Living specialize in helping you identify your particular dream destination.

I used to refer to this as the Belize Plan, but given the ever-expanding list of options, I now just call it Plan B. Whether you resonate to Bali, Ecuador, Italy, Costa Rica, Spain, Belize, Ireland, Panama or another paradise, there will always be a place where you can live comfortably while being of service to others. Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life! Trade Fear for Love, Pessimism for Optimism, Drudgery for Delight. Check out my Choose Abundance board on Pinterest for some possibilities.

P.S.  For your convenience, below is the link to the recording of this week’s new episode from my Radio Show, “Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life!” You may listen online or download to your PC, phone or other mp3 player to listen on the go. In each week’s blog post, I’ll include the recording link for that week’s new Episode.
Episode 5     Your Personal Emotional Trainers
Click here for more information on joining my FREE Radio Show insider club. As a member, you’ll receive periodic updates on upcoming programs and guest co-hosts, as well as exclusive promotional offers and other bonus content.
© Copyright 2013 DJW Life Coach LLC. All rights reserved.

About djwlifecoach

I am retired from 40+ years of helping individuals and teams build lives and organizations they love. One of the great joys of my retirement from professional practice is having greater bandwidth to donate my professional and creative talents to support and promote animal and social welfare charities. During my 30 years as an organization transformation consultant, I served as a senior partner in four of the world’s largest, most prestigious global professional services firms. In 2005, I took a five-year sabbatical to find healing and peace because non-stop work had taken its toll. My recovery from burnout led to finding my purpose guiding others on their journeys. As a board-certified coach, author, consultant, radio host, Reiki Master and EFT/tapping practitioner, I share hope, possibilities and empowerment with the world. 111419 DJW Sid CH Pet Corner Photo ShootI help clients achieve rapid, extraordinary, sustainable results by connecting who they are with what they do, a connection often lost through stress and the sheer busy-ness of daily life. Courageous self-awareness and unconditional self-love lead to honest choices based on priorities that nurture you and those around you on a journey to wholeness. Decades in coaching, consulting, change management, organization development, human resources and mixed media artistic expression honed my business sense, professionalism, creativity, intuition, leadership and communication skills. The result? Practical tools that help you become more insightful, creative, committed, productive and fulfilled. Even the most dedicated and hard-working individuals can shift from frustration to a sense of futility when their values, passion, work, and lives become disconnected. One of the problems with not taking care of our health is that the effects of ignoring it are often slow to show up. We continue to juggle family responsibilities, work and finances until we lose ourselves, waking up one day 50 pounds heavier in body and soul—no good to ourselves or anyone else. I love working with people who are ready to take life-changing action to make their dreams a reality. At each moment, you have inside you all the wisdom you seek to choose your life and your way of showing up. Limiting thoughts, beliefs and feelings can block you from moving forward. An absence of love and concern for yourself can result in negative head talk that holds you back with discouraging messages about who you are and what you can do. By listening and caring deeply, I guide you in connecting with your own inner wisdom. We identify the way you’d like to live. We determine what’s blocking you and release you from the hold those blocks have over you—unleashing the positive energy that will fuel you forward. Together we develop a plan to move you closer to your heart’s desire. My books, blog, radio show and signature coaching programs help individuals and organizations harness the transformative energy of love to turn unexplored possibilities into fulfilling realities and step into their greatness. What’s love got to do with it? Everything! My book, Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life! (Hay House/ Balboa Press 2013) shares my story and the stories of 10 of my clients along with my signature Discovery Framework. For fun, I love reading, sewing, knitting, yin yoga, afternoon tea, opera and movies. I live in Williamsburg, Virginia with my spouse, Wilson Abney, and the cat who runs our life, Maisy Jane.
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